When Your Kid Goes to College - Revised
By Stephanie Kemp


I got (part of) it wrong.

I’m applying my 56 year old (but you were just born!) mom lens when I
need to look through my 18 year old’s (ready to take on the world) badass lens.

Especially because she is the best kind of badass:

The quiet kind.
The humble kind.
The be kind to people and make amazing shit kind.

It’s true.
Ask anyone.

Except for those two (maybe three - one is undecided) friends who turned mean at the end.*

*OR! Maybe this is better: who “turned into shit heads.” 

I’ll let my daughter vote for which one she likes better (my daughter can vote!), even though I know her response will be:

“Mom, that’s not very nice.”

(See what I mean?)

At least one of us is ready.