Love Letters
By Stephanie Kemp

Dear David (Sedaris),

I have bad news regarding our totally one way relationship of mutual love, jealousy and admiration.

I am leaving you for Amy Poehler. I never thought I’d have this chance until I watched her Master Class (trailer).

And now that I am totally prepared to be be unprepared, I am ready.

I can’t afford to let anymore floats go by.

That said, please let me know if you want to get to know me better (or at all).

I have recently (re)learned to say YES! and am trying to trust the team, even and especially when I’m not sure if I am on it, or where they (I mean WE - YES!!) practice and/or play.

Love (Always, let’s be honest),


Ps. Remind me to tell the story of Me, You and Jane Campion.  It’s a good one. (I am going to write it, now that I am ready.)