Love Letter(s)
By Stephanie

I have some friends who live on a hill.

I love them and miss them but lately only see them on a walk or waving from the car.

Our kids are growing, almost grown.

They have been friends since they were babies.

These are the best friends to have.

The ones that you love that also come with friends for your kids.

The ones that form the group of people that collectively help raise and water and protect each other’s kids.  

(You know, those kids that have been friends since they were babies.)

If you are lucky (we are), these friends also have parents that you get to know.

That you love to see when they are visiting from out of town.

For a glass of wine and a laugh.  
Some funny stories.
A trip to the park.
Another glass of wine.

The parents that make you feel like the world will keep spinning because they:

Remind you to laugh.
Get on the plane.
Tell the stories.
Love massively and, sometimes, messily.
Collectively raise and water and protect each other’s kids.
Keep going.
Remember to laugh.

This morning I found out that one of my friend’s parents passed away just over two weeks ago.

My heart cracked.  This one was fierce.  With the best laugh.  

As I’m trying to figure out how to get out of the car to hug my friend(s), I wanted to write a note to say that I’ll remember.

I’ll remember to tell the story about my friend’s mom with the best laugh and then tell (and make) some more stories with my friends on that hill…

…Even though (and especially because) our kids are growing, almost grown.