
Mother / Daughter ProjectWhen my daughters were little, I put poems to the school artwork they brought home in an effort to help us all make sense of life in real time.

.....And to have really, really good dinner conversations.

“Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.” - Mary Oliver

  A Forever WIP

When the World Changed

In March of 2020, my mom died and the world shut down.

I wrote 280+ poems to process both.

But then the world kept spinning backwards and I kept on writing poems to stay sane (or at least present, on the days that sane was not an option). Below are almost 600 of them, in case you were wondering and/or are scared.
A lot of people (and books and walks and old photos and closet cleaning and both the good and evil internet) helped me.

I hope you like (some of) them.

Good luck, everyone.


ps. Please feel free to try to ignore the mean spirited and/or political poems.  I do.

“Very rarely do you hear anyone say they write things down and feel worse…It’s an act that helps you, preserves you, energizes you in the very doing of it.”

- Naomi Shihab Nye