Curated by Stephanie Kemp

“Is that what you’re going to wear?”
- My Daughter

“Stay flexible and keep your sense of humor…And don’t get your bowels in an uproar.”
- My Mom

“Your words are like Sesame Street for grown ups."
- Grace Jeffers

“…or a mean spirited Hallmark card.”
- Anonymous

“Olivia’s Mom!  I had a dream my hair looked like yours! It was strangled!” 
- A Kid Named Melina at 7 years old

“If no one wants to marry you, I will.”
- A Favorite Blood Relative at 8 years old.

“It’s a girl.”
- Dr. Kessler

“Mommy, can you drop me off at the corner from now on, all the time, no matter where we are going?”
- My Other Daughter

“Your spirit is a torch of goodness.”
- Naomi Shihab Nye

“I promise to risk.”
-  My Husband

"We are the luckiest people in the world.”
- My Mom (’s last words)

“It’s good. Re-write the dialogue.”
- Elmore Leonard

“Your margins are clear.”
- Dr. Morrow

“Even Dads make mistakes...sometimes.”
(Also: “Make more than you spend, but you will never starve.”)
- My Dad

“I signed the card from all of us.”
- My Sister Tracy (and/or Ginny)

"But you’re good at so many other things!”
- My (only) Dance Teacher

"You’ll be a great mom.”
- Steven Spielberg

“I can’t find his heart beat.”
-  Dr. Kessler

“We need to know what you know.”
- Laura Munson

“Who are you and what do I need from you?”
- Neri Kyle Tannenbaum

“She’s the only one trying to do the fucking job*!”
- Michael Apted

"It looks like you sat up all night drinking soy sauce.”
- Tegan Jones

“We could be the next Dr. Seuss!”
- A seven year old I once wrote a poem with.

“Of course you can do it.”
- Carol Tavris

“Don’t be a feckin eejit.”
- Anna (Dolan) Vegezzi

 “You’re like a cross between Cathy the cartoon and Joan Didion.”
- My Friend Heidi

“You don’t scare me.”
- My Father in Law

“Toodely Doo.”
- Garvity Goo

*Note: Andy tried, too.