Ask the Expert
By Stephanie Kemp


Dear Expert Who I Will Not Name in Case my Tone is Misinterpreted or Interpreted Properly,

Is there a place in the world of reinvention for a 53 year old optimistic cynic?

…Who doesn’t want to brush her hair?
…Be on LinkedIn?
…Care about likes and followers?

Only wears black and spent 30 years professionally pushing back against how she:

Should be
Could be
Needs to be

To Succeed ?

Who believes that “branding” is (still) barbaric or at least a terrible idea for both people and cattle?  

Doesn’t want to build a platform because she believes that all platforms collapse at some point or are torn down to make way for something shinier?  (Plus everyone knows that platforms, by nature and design,  have limited space…don’t they?).

Can’t I just stand on the ground?

Is there room for that voice?  
A community for that person?
If so, can you tell me where?  

I can’t find it.

So far I haven’t been able to reach Frances McDormand.
But, in fairness, I haven’t tried.

You see, we have less than six degrees of separation between us in my pre-reinvention life and there has been bloodletting.  This makes me sad because I think she might have liked me with more distance and/or less blood.

I know I would have.

And how would anyone survive (in any incarnation) if Frances McDormand (actively) didn’t like them?

I look forward to hearing your response, should my question be submitted.  It was due at 5pm yesterday.  I thought I might want to revise this, which I have, which is scary (to me).

If not, I still look forward to y/our Friday “Ask the Experts” Zoom.
And remain hopeful in the most cynically optimistic way I currently know how to be.


ps.  I loved and still miss your magazine and can’t wait to do a deeper dive into your club.
I am hopeful that it might make me feel better and that I will be inclined to join.  

Even though I’m sure you can imagine that I am not the biggest fan of clubs.  

Is (any/all of) this scary (to you)?


Post - Zoom:

Dear Lesley,

I love everything about what you are doing.

It never occurred to me in my current state as a recovering filmmaker that I could find this kind of community or enough energy to take on a reinvention.

I think I might have been wrong.  

I am scared but excited.

Especially since you gave me permission to curse and I now know that your club is flock based, not Stephen (RIP).

Good things have been happening since y/our zoom:

I am wearing gray and someone has offered to teach me LinkedIn.

Baby steps.
And (more) coffee.

Thank you.

You will be hearing from me properly, but I promise not to take advantage of the goodwill and trust you placed in me by sharing your real email address.

At least I think it’s real.
